K608 Matot

Kasus K608 mati total,

Flashing pakai cruiser normal boot tidak bisa, kalau boot pakai TP bisa deteksi cuma pada Menu Flash yang ada aktif hanya FLASH ARM dan REPAIR ERROM saja.

Flash ARM saja = masih tetap gak hidup.

Lalu coba lagi boot via Recovery Cid 36, bisa detek, yg keluar menu Security Area Saja dan yg aktif didalam menu itu adalah REPAIR CERTIFICATE dan REPLACE CERTIFICATE.

Kalau di Replace Certificate gak ada hasilnya (masih matot) dan tetap gak bisa boot via Normal Boot.

Kalau di Repair Certificate keluar :

System diagnostics passed.
[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Baseband chip ID: 0x7100
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Booting via ROM...
Trying CID36 recovery applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 041213 1451 MATCXC1325413_CERTLOADE...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Analyzing RSA protection...
RSA protection is normal.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Repair Certificate --- ]
Preparing to program flash...
Programming flash...

Dan pesan dalam status servisnya keluar:

Applet error: 87 00 00 00 00 20
Error flashing block at address: 0x00000000
Script error: Flash error [13.20.78]

Lalu Coba deteksi pake KZF, juga keluar pesan untuk melakukan Flash Recovery, Lalu di Flash Recovery:

McuId: 71000301FFFFFF
Baud Rate: 460800
Trying: CXC1325413_040614_1539_R3M{0101020301}.bin
Trying: CXC1325413_050223_1023_R3S{0101020401}.bin
PayLoader Certificate Accepted
Prolgue Ok
PayLoader: 041213 1451 MATCXC1325413_CERTLOADER R3S, Ok
IMEI : 352734-00-017146-0, CID: 36, CDT: 1 0 1 (Red)
FlId0: 890D, Intel RD38F4050L0YT
Trying: RecoveryDB2000_{0102020401}.bin
Certificate Warning, SSW_CID Mismatch: 0<>36
FlashImage Certificate Accepted
Flashing Error 3: 89 09 06 00 87 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Trying: RecoveryDB2000_{0101020301}.bin
Trying: RecoveryDB2000_{0101020101}.bin
Trying: RecoveryDB2000_{0101020302}.bin
Trying: RecoveryDB2000_{0101020102}.bin
Configuration Err_40: Bad ACK: 00
Flash Recovery Failed, Time: 00:04
User Stop, Total Time: 00:22

Atau apakah mesti ganti IC Flash...??
Apakah ada yang dapat memberikan solusi??


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